02 / Travelling Safely

Hotel Safety

Hotels are best booked on recommendation and via the Rolls-Royce travel service provider.

Travellers should familiarise themselves with details of a hotel and its location before arrival. Ensuring security may be difficult, but certain precautions may be advised:

  • Where possible, choose a room not on the ground floor (to improve the potential security of the room).
  • Look for safety features such as smoke detectors and audible fire alarms.
  • Carry out an initial inspection of the room to familiarise yourself with the layout.
  • Maximise door security by using the key and, where fitted, safety chain and window locks.
  • Check the position of the nearest fire alarm and extinguishers, the emergency exit route and any other possible escape routes in case of fire. The emergency route should be followed to the final exit – which should be checked for ease of egress.